Prioritising Authenticity: The Key to Empowering Our Destiny

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In today’s fast-paced world, embracing authenticity can often be challenging, yet it holds the key to truly empowering our destiny. This article delves into the concept of authenticity, highlighting its transformative power and how it paves the way for personal growth and self-discovery. By fostering a deep connection with our true selves, we can navigate life’s complexities with courage and resilience.

Our lives are a journey of self-discovery, an unfolding path of exploration and growth. Yet, often, our truest, most authentic selves remain elusive and hidden, even to us. As Rumi, the 13th-century Sufi poet, expresses it: “There is a fountain inside you. Don’t walk around with an empty bucket.” This inner fountain symbolises our spiritual centre, our sacred source, and it is when we begin to tap into this wellspring of authenticity that life’s challenges gain proportion and perspective.

Awakening to Our Inner Power


Authenticity is our divine presence, a concept that is deeply embedded in many philosophical and spiritual traditions. Two such traditions are Kabbalah, a form of Jewish mysticism, and Taoism, an ancient philosophical and religious tradition from China.

The Zohar is a central text in the tradition of Kabbalah. It describes the concept of the Shekinah, which can be understood as the divine presence or the feminine aspect of God. This divine presence is thought to rest upon us when we are worthy, illuminating our path and guiding us toward our true selves. In essence, the Zohar encourages us to connect with this divine presence within us, to embrace our authentic selves and to live in alignment with this divine truth.

Taoism, on the other hand, is encapsulated in the Tao Te Ching, an ancient Chinese text traditionally attributed to Laozi. The Tao, in Taoism, can be seen as the natural, spontaneous, and flowing process of the universe. To be in alignment with the Tao is to move in harmony with this natural flow, not against it. This is akin to embracing our true, authentic selves, living in accordance with our nature and not being swayed by external pressures that might push us off our path.

These traditions, though arising from different cultures and times, both point to the same truth: the importance of awakening to our inner power and living authentically in alignment with our true nature.

Aligning with this inner power necessitates a reordering of our priorities, clarifying what truly matters in our lives. The more focused we are, the less we’ll be slowed down or distracted by the inconsequential.

Authenticity Over Avoidance

Fear, or clinging onto security, is often a distractor. Seneca, the Stoic philosopher, advised us to confront our fears directly. He wrote, “Set aside a certain number of days, during which you shall be content with the scantiest and cheapest fare, with coarse and rough dress, saying to yourself the while: ‘Is this the condition that I feared?'”

By embracing the fear of scarcity, we can stride through obstacles as if they were mere puddles, understanding that these challenges are experiences we set up for ourselves to learn and grow.

Life lessons persist until they are fully understood and internalised, a principle reflected in the Buddhist concept of Samsara and the Hindu doctrine of Karma. Attempting to outwit life or to cheat our way around it, as these teachings suggest, is futile. Instead, we must realise that these situations, like the challenges and trials faced by the Stoic philosophers, are designed as learning experiences. The spiritual journey, as the existentialists propose, is not about suffering for the attainment of a prize; it is about the realisation that living authentically and creating our own meaning is the most rewarding experience.

As we embark on this spiritual journey, we move away from pursuits that don’t align with our purpose or fulfil us. We start to crave authenticity and integrity, and anything contradictory to this becomes distasteful.

Engaging Life’s Challenges with Authenticity

Fear and apprehension of the unknown are natural reactions, but we must not let fear dictate our actions. Instead, we should engage life’s difficulties directly and authentically. Love plays a critical role in this engagement. As the 13th-century Persian poet Rumi eloquently puts it: “Wherever you are, and whatever you do, be in love.” This isn’t just about romantic love, but rather love in a broader, more universal sense. Love for life, love for the present moment, and love for the self in its most authentic form.

When we approach life’s challenges with love, our perspective shifts. We no longer see obstacles as threats, but as opportunities for growth and learning. Love imbues us with the courage to face these challenges head-on and to remain true to ourselves in the process, without being swayed by fear or apprehension.

By giving our full attention, infused with love, to life’s challenges, we can dissolve them, but without over-analysing and giving them more power than they warrant. The Bhagavad Gita, a 700-verse Indian scripture that is part of the Hindu epic Mahabharata, warns that dwelling on the objects of sense creates attraction, which develops into desire, and desire breeds anger. Instead of falling into this cycle of attachment and frustration, we should move forward with determination, aided by the hidden magic of life.

In essence, love, when combined with authenticity, allows us to face life’s challenges with grace and wisdom. It empowers us to stay true to ourselves, to respond rather than react, and to transform obstacles into stepping stones on our path of self-discovery and personal growth.

Empowering Ourselves Towards Our Destiny


In our journey towards authenticity, we will find ourselves confronting personal crises. These are the moments where it feels like a gaping chasm has opened beneath us. These crises may come in many forms, such as a loss, a failure, a breakup, or any challenging life event that shakes our sense of self to its core.

Although these experiences can be extremely painful and disorienting, they also present a valuable opportunity for self-discovery and transformation. It is in these moments of crisis that we are often able to see our true selves more clearly, stripped of our pretences and social masks. They force us to question our beliefs, values, and identities, leading to a deeper understanding of who we really are and what we truly want in life.

We must therefore empower ourselves to rise above these challenges rather than hoping for external saviours. We must face our fears, embrace our vulnerabilities, and use these crises as catalysts for growth and transformation.

Each experience, especially the challenging ones, serves as a tether to our self-concept. By engaging deeply with these experiences, we can shape and reshape our identity. We can learn from our mistakes, adapt to new circumstances, and emerge stronger and more authentic. This ability to reinvent ourselves is a powerful tool, yet it often feels overshadowed by external expectations and societal norms.

In essence, personal crises are not merely obstacles on our path towards authenticity; they are integral parts of the journey itself. By embracing these crises and using them as opportunities for self-discovery and growth, we empower ourselves to move closer towards our true, authentic selves and our ultimate destiny.

The Power of Embracing Authenticity

Our journey towards authenticity is not a cerebral endeavour projected into the future. It is a deeply immediate and vibrant connection with the present moment., which has profound effects on the people and situations we interact with. 

As we navigate towards our goals, we’ll find that certain tools or ‘magic objects’ will come to our aid at the right time. This mirrors the hero’s journey narrative structure, where the hero often receives a magical aid during their adventure. For instance, in ‘The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe’, part of ‘The Chronicles of Narnia’ series by C.S. Lewis, the children are given gifts by Father Christmas that aid them in their quest to defeat the White Witch and restore Narnia. Peter receives a sword and shield, Susan gets a bow and a horn that can summon help, and Lucy is given a vial of healing cordial and a dagger. Each of these gifts plays a pivotal role in the children’s adventure and helps them navigate the challenges they face. Similarly, in ‘Harry Potter’, Harry receives the Invisibility Cloak, a powerful magical item that aids him in his quests.

In our journey towards authenticity, these ‘magic objects’ may take the form of new opportunities, profound insights, supportive relationships, or inner resources that we weren’t aware we possessed. Just like in the hero’s journey, these aids appear at the right moment to help us overcome obstacles and move closer to our true selves and our goals.

Setting priorities

Our will, often confused and distraught, creates a myriad of realities, a concept not unlike Immanuel Kant’s philosophical distinction between phenomena and noumena. Kant suggests that our perception of the world – phenomena – is shaped by our cognitive faculties and can differ substantially from the world as it exists in itself – noumena. Thus, when our will is confused or distraught, it can result in a multitude of different perceived realities, each a reflection of our internal state rather than the world as it truly is.

The more we prioritise, the more we shape our existence. Reality itself is created from our will, from our attention. The Hindu scripture, the Upanishads, puts it this way: “You are what your deep, driving desire is. As your desire is, so is your will.”

As we set clear priorities, our existence can flow from our deeper truth in harmony. The Tao Te Ching advises, “At the centre of your being you have the answer; you know who you are and you know what you want.” This is a reminder that we have within ourselves the wisdom and insight to guide our actions and shape our realities.

In essence, prioritising from a place of authenticity allows us to draw upon a fountain of previously inaccessible resources, empowering us to move towards our destiny. Our sacred inner source is here to guide us forward, overflowing with the grace and wisdom we need for the path.

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